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Ancient Runes ( 3 )
Ancient Tomb ( 1 )
Angelic Protector ( 1 )
Apes of Rath ( 1 )
Armor Silver ( 1 )
*Charging Rhino ( 1 )
Charging Rhino ( 1 )
*Chill ( 1 )
*Choke ( 1 )
Cinder Marsh ( 1 )
Dauthi Embrace ( 3 )
*Dauthi Ghoul ( 2 )
*Dauthi Horror ( 1 )
Dauthi Mercenary ( 1 )
Dauthi Mindripper ( 1 )
*Dismiss ( 2 )
*Dread of Night ( 1 )
Elite Javelineer ( 1 )
*Enraging Licid ( 1 )
*Essence Bottle ( 3 )
*Excavator ( 1 )
Firefly ( 1 )
Flailing Drake ( 1 )
Flowstone Salamander ( 2 )
*Gallantry ( 1 )
Ghost Town ( 1 )
*Havoc ( 2 )
*Heartwood Treefolk ( 1 )
Insight ( 1 )
*Interdict ( 2 )
*Invulnerability ( 1 )
Jackal Pup ( 1 )
*Knight of Dawn ( 1 )
*Knight of Dusk ( 1 )
*Krakilin ( 2 )
Leeching Licid ( 1 )
*Legerdemain ( 1 )
*Lobotomy ( 1 )
*Maze of Shadows ( 1 )
Mindwhip Sliver ( 2 )
*Mogg Hollows ( 1 )
*Needle Storm ( 2 )
Nurturing Licid ( 1 )
Opportunist ( 1 )
*Orim's Prayer ( 2 )
*Overrun ( 2 )
*Overrun ( 2 )
*Perish ( 1 )
*Phyrexian Hulk ( 1 )
Phyrexian Splicer ( 1 )
*Propaganda ( 1 )
Quickening Licid ( 2 )
*Rain of Tears ( 1 )
Ranger en-Vec ( 4 )
*Reap ( 1 )
*Renegade Warlord ( 1 )
Repentance ( 1 )
Rootwater Depths ( 1 )
Rootwater Diver ( 1 )
*Screeching Harpy ( 1 )
Segmented Wurm ( 1 )
Shadowstorm ( 2 )
*Sky Spirit ( 1 )
Skyshroud Condor ( 1 )
*Skyshroud Vampire ( 2 )
*Soltari Crusader ( 3 )
*Soltari Monk ( 2 )
*Soltari Priest ( 2 )
Spontaneous Combustion ( 1 )
*Steal Enchantment ( 1 )
Storm Front ( 2 )
*Thalakos Dramsower ( 2 )
Vec Townships ( 4 )
Verdigris ( 1 )
*Watchdog ( 2 )
*Whispers of the Muse ( 1 )
Wild Wurm ( 1 )
*Winter's Grasp ( 2 )

Abduction ( 1 )
*Aether Flash ( 2 )
Agonizing Memories ( 1 )
*Argivian Find ( 2 )
Aura of Silence ( 1 )
*Barishi ( 1 )
Buried Alive ( 2 )
Chimeric Sphere ( 1 )
Cinder Giant ( 2 )
Circling Vultures ( 1 )
*Cloud Djinn ( 1 )
*Cone of Flame ( 1 )
*Dingus Staff ( 1 )
Fallow Wurm ( 1 )
*Familiar Ground ( 1 )
*Foriysian Brigade ( 3 )
*Gaea's Blessing ( 1 )
*Gerrard's Wisdom ( 1 )
Hurloon Shaman ( 1 )
*Mistmoon Griffin ( 2 )
*Odylic Wraith ( 2 )
*Orcish Settlers ( 1 )
Phyrexian Furnace ( 1 )
Roc Hatchling ( 1 )
*Serra's Blessing ( 1 )
*Serrated Biskelion ( 3 )
Serrated Biskelion ( 2 )
*Strands of Night ( 1 )
Teferi's Veil ( 1 )
Touchstone ( 1 )
Veteran Explorer ( 1 )
Vodalian Illusionist ( 1 )
Volunteer Reserves ( 1 )

Army Ants ( 2 )
*Blanket of Night ( 2 )
Brass-Talon Chimera ( 1 )
Brood of Cockroaches ( 3 )
Coral Atoll ( 2 )
*Daraja Griffin ( 3 )
Desolation ( 4 )
Dormant Volcano ( 2 )
*Dragon Mask ( 2 )
*Dragon Mask ( 2 )
*Dream Tides ( 4 )
Dwarven Vigilantes ( 2 )
Elephant Grass ( 4 )
Everglades ( 3 )
Gobling Recruiter ( 4 )
Heat Wave ( 3 )
*Helm of Awakening ( 2 )
*Honorable Passage ( 2 )
*Honorable Passage ( 2 )
Hulking Cyclops ( 4 )
Iron-heart Chimera ( 4 )
Juju Bubble ( 5 )
Jungle Basin ( 2 )
Karoo ( 6 )
Kyscu Drake ( 6 )
Lead-Belly Chimera ( 2 )
*Longbow Archer ( 1 )
Longbow Archer ( 3 )
Magma Mine ( 6 )
Matopi Golem ( 4 )
*Miraculous Recovery ( 3 )
*Mob Mentality ( 2 )
*Mundungu ( 2 )
*Necromancy ( 2 )
Ovinomancer ( 4 )
Peace Talks ( 5 )
*Quicksand ( 2 )
Relic Ward ( 3 )
*Scalebane's Elite ( 4 )
*Shimmering Efreet ( 3 )
*Simoon ( 3 )
Spitting Drake ( 4 )
Stampeding Wildebeests ( 3 )
*Summer Bloom ( 3 )
*Suq'Ata Assassin ( 4 )
*Talruum Piper ( 1 )
Talruum Piper ( 1 )
Teferi's Honor Guard ( 5 )
*Tempest Drake ( 3 )
Time and Tide ( 4 )
Tin-Wing Chimera ( 4 )
Uktabi Orangutan ( 3 )
*Uktabi Orangutan ( 3 )
Vampirism ( 3 )
*Viashino Sandstalker ( 4 )
Wind Shear ( 3 )

*Barbed Foliage ( 4 )
Blighted Shaman ( 1 )
*Blinding Light ( 2 )
Blinding Light ( 3 )
Bone Harvest ( 2 )
*Cerulean Wyvern ( 1 )
Choking Sands ( 1 )
Coral Fighters ( 2 )
*Crypt Cobra ( 1 )
Crystal Vein ( 4 )
Decomposition ( 1 )
*Elixer of Vitality ( 1 )
Femeref Archers ( 1 )
Flame Elemental ( 1 )
*Flood Gate ( 2 )
Flood Plain ( 1 )
*Goblin Scouts ( 1 )
Grasslands ( 1 )
Harmattan Efreet ( 2 )
*Haunting Apparition ( 1 )
*Hazerider Drake ( 2 )
Horrible Hordes ( 1 )
Iron Tusk Elephant ( 1 )
Jungle Troll ( 2 )
*Kaervek's Hex ( 2 )
*Mangara's Equity ( 1 )
Mangara's Equity ( 1 )
*Melesse Spirit ( 1 )
Merfolk Seer ( 2 )
Mountain Valley ( 2 )
Mtenda Griffin ( 1 )
Phyrexian Vault ( 2 )
Radiant Essence ( 1 )
*Reign of Cahos ( 1 )
*Shadowbane ( 1 )
Tidal Wave( 1 )
Unerring Sling ( 1 )
Unyaro Griffin ( 1 )
Vigilant Martyr ( 1 )
*Vitalizing Cascade ( 2 )
Withering Boon ( 1 )
*Zebra Unicorn ( 2 )

Bounty of the Hunt ( 2 )
Browse ( 3 )
Burnout ( 1 )
*Deadly Insects ( 3 )
Deadly Insects ( 2 )
*Demonic Consultation ( 1 )
Diseased Vermin ( 5 )
Elvish Bard ( 3 )
*False Demise ( 2 )
False Demise ( 2 )
*Feast or Famine ( 1 )
Feast or Famine ( 2 )
Gorilla Shaman ( 3 )
Guerrilla Tactics ( 1 )
Mishra's Groundbreaker ( 1 )
Misinformation ( 1 )
Primitive Justice ( 2 )
Reprisal ( 2 )
Soldevi Simulacrum ( 1 )
Soldier of Fortune ( 1 )

Ice Age
Abyssal Specter ( 1 )
Arcum's Weathervane ( 1 )
Ashen Ghoul ( 4 )
Baton of Morale ( 1 )
Centaur Archer ( 2 )
Conquer ( 2 )
*Diabolic Vision ( 1 )
Fumarole ( 1 )
Goblin Mutant ( 4 )
Goblin Snowman ( 1 )
*Justice ( 2 )
*Knight of Stromgald ( 4 )
Mind Warp ( 1 )
*Order of the White Shield ( 2 )
*Order of the White Shield ( 2 )
*Urza's Bauble ( 1 )
Venomous Breath ( 4 )
Yavimaya Gnats ( 2 )

Fallen Empires
Feral Thallid ( 1 )
Goblin War Drums ( 4 )
*Order of Leitbur ( 2 )
*Order of Leitbur ( 3 )
*Order of the Ebon Hand ( 2 )
Order of the Ebon Hand ( 2 )

4th Edition
Abomination ( 1 )
Angry Mob ( 1 )
Ashes to Ashes ( 2 )
Ashnod's Battle Gear ( 2 )
*Black Knight ( 1 )
Black Ward ( 1 )
Blight ( 3 )
Blood Lust ( 4 )
Blue Ward ( 2 )
Brass Man ( 2 )
Cave People ( 2 )
Channel ( 2 )
Conservator ( 1 )
Crumble ( 3 )
*Cursed Land ( 1 )
Cursed Rack ( 2 )
Detonate ( 1 )
Feedback ( 2 )
Fire Elemental ( 1 )
Flashfires ( 2 )
*Gloom ( 3 )
Goblin Ballon Brigade ( 5 )
Goblin Ballon Brigade ( German 3 )
Goblins of the Flarg ( 2 )
Green Ward ( 1 )
*Hurricane ( 1 )
Instill Energy ( 2 )
Iron Star ( 1 )
Ivory Cup ( 1 )
Junun Efreet ( 3 )
Karma ( 1 )
Keldon Warlord ( 2 )
Ley Druid ( 1 )
*Lifeforce ( 2 )
Lifelace ( 1 )
Lure ( 4 )
Morale ( 1 )
Osai Vultures ( 1 )
Red Ward ( 1 )
Shapeshifter ( 1 )
Shimian Night Stalker ( 1 )
Simulacrum ( 1 )
Sindbad ( 1 )
Siren's Call ( 5 )
Soul Net ( 1 )
Steal Artifact ( 1 )
Tawno's Weaponry ( 2 )
The Rack ( 2 )
Thicket Basilisk ( 2 )
Thicket Basilisk ( German 2 )
Throne of Bone ( 1 )
Tormod's Crypt ( 2 )
Tsunami ( 2 )
Tunnel ( 1 )
Uncle Istvan ( 1 )
Uthden Troll ( 6 )
Visions ( 1 )
Wall of Air ( 2 )
Wall of Bone ( 1 )
Wall of Dust ( 1 )
Wall of Ice ( 3 )
Wall of Swords ( 2 )
Wanderlust ( 3 )
*White Knight ( 3 )
*White Knight ( 3 )
Winter Blast ( 1 )
Wooden Sphere ( 3 )

*Air Elemental ( 1 )
*Animate Artifact ( 2 )
*Black Knight ( 3 )
Blue Ward ( 1 )
Burrowing ( 1 )
Castle ( 2 )
Channel ( 1 )
Conservator ( 2 )
*Conservator ( 1 )
*Conversion ( 1 )
Crumble ( 1 )
*Cursed Land ( 1 )
*Desert Twister ( 1 )
*Earth Elemental ( 2 )
Energy Flux ( 1 )
*Fire Elemental ( 1 )
Flashfires ( 1 )
*Flashfires ( 2 )
*Gloom ( 1 )
Gloom ( 1 )
*Hurricane ( 2 )
Iron Star ( 1 )
*Ivory Cup ( 1 )
Keldon Warlord ( 2 )
*Library of Leng ( 1 )
*Lifetap ( 1 )
*Lure ( 1 )
*Obsianus Golem ( 1 )
Obsianus Golem ( 1 )
Orcish Artillery ( 2 )
Orcish Oriflamme ( 1 )
Ornithopter ( 5 )
Reconstruction ( 1 )
Red Ward ( 1 )
*Reverse Polarity ( 1 )
Rod of Ruin ( 1 )
Scavenging Ghoul ( 1 )
Shatterstorm ( 3 )
*Siren's Call ( 1 )
*Smoke ( 1 )
Smoke ( 1 )
*Steal Artifact ( 1 )
*The Rack ( 1 )
Thoughtlace ( 1 )
*Tsunami ( 3 )
Tunnel ( 1 )
Uthden Troll ( 3 )
*Wall of Bone ( 1 )
*Wall of Fire ( 1 )
*Wall of Ice ( 1 )
*Wall of Stone ( 1 )
*Wall of Swords ( 1 )
*Wanderlust ( 1 )
*White Knight ( 1 )
*White Knight ( 1 )
Wooden Sphere ( 1 )